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What is Plein Air?


"denoting or in the manner of a 19th-century style of painting outdoors, or with a strong sense of the open air, that became a central feature of French impressionism.

"the French style of plein-air landscape painting"" - Oxford dictionary

To me painting in Plein Air is more than just painting outside. My intention when painting outside is to capture a specific moment, feeling or mood which is specific to me. Painting en Plein Air allows me to interpret the moment with a sense of urgency and specificity. 

Most of my Plein Air painting are done within a few hours which adds to the sense of urgency and spontaneity of this type of painting. All too often your painting is interrupted by rain, wind, insects or even the impact of shifting light. To me these things make these types of paintings special as they are inherently less polished than a studio painting.

These gems can also be used to create a new studio painting where the theme or feeling can be expanded upon.

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